Positive Impact of Having an Identity Associated With Your Company

Logo design is a trademark and a graphical representation of a company. Now a days people are much  educated and trained in graphic designing and fine arts section.  Every other company is willing to have creative and stylish logo designs, just to make their business purpose clearly and attract huge audience. In logo designing It is an iconic representation used to symbolize the company, public recognition.  The main foundation behind Logo Design is, it promotes business efficiencies in the competitive mediums. The color and design theme of the logo corresponds to the brands of the company or Corporate Identities Logo designing can only be done if the designer is imaginative and creative. You must be wondering why everyone in this industry is after quality logo, because it works as a spark plug.  Without a logo design one of the businesses can be recognized without the logo. Logos can be of 2 types Typographic Logos (Font Representation) and Iconic Logos (Symbolic Representation).
There are three different kinds of logos. First, font-based logos consist primarily of a type treatment. Second logos that accurately illustrated; such as what a company performs, such as when a house painting company uses an illustration of a brush in its logo and finally last but not the least abstract graphic symbols-such as Nike's swoosh-that become linked to a company's brand. In early days people were not much aware about, the importance of  logo designing and at that time businesses can hardly ever afford the millions of dollars to produce these associations, so a logo that clearly illustrates what your company stands for or does may be a better choice. Everyone takes long duration to memorize the name of the brand, but when it comes to logo it becomes more convenient for others to recall the brand name.  Logo helps to make the generic name unique; it gives personality to the services and establishes brand identity. 


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